My PC hasn't been shut down for 3 days straight. Mainly because I had fallen asleep reading one of my 80 tabs that I had opened in the course of time. Get a look at the first tab. This is about SAAS, a wiki article explaining "Software as a Service", followed by 4 tabs, each of them telling how you could set up an Amateur Radio with household stuff ( pretty interesting yeh..). Then I see around 6 tabs that are apparently some basic Guitar tutorials. I remember my Mom recently suggested I learn guitar instead of trying to make one out of my Badminton Racket. Here is a tab on E-bay too. I was looking for an electric guitar. $1000 Fender, Never in my life Damn it! Following it, here is something which is not expensive. Its a Wiki article on R&B history. That's fine. I love R&B. One thing about Wiki. I think its one of the sites that have links very well appropriately placed that makes it luring enough for you to follow from one page to another. A result of this chain browsing is the next tab which is an article on a 60s English Band "Moody Blues" which might have resulted from a middle click on one of the links from R&B article. A Ctrl+Tab places me to, the next tab. I was reading Steve Woz replying to viewers about events in the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley". I am surprised he loved that movie and confirms the events were pretty true. Whatever.... Next page is a google search on "Skirt length Theory" followed by a company home page that sells Wireless routers, a wiki article on Sun workstations, another wiki on Mike Pinder from the Moody Blues, John Lodge home page, a wiki on Gemini Dream, a file sharing site page from where I had to download an Apache manual may be, a series of orkut tabs, all of them forums of Accenture freshers waiting for a joining date, a BBC page that tells ( very precisely ) the reasons for a hike in oil prices, etc, etc. I thought I had reached the end. To my surprise there were equal number of tabs that were waiting to be described. Immediately following from where I had left were a series of wiki on Japanese cartoons like Detective School Q, Cardcaptor Sakura and ilk and interspersed between them are even some redundant pages such as my half finished blog and some pages waiting for me to enter and search for something. And then are some wikis on Field Marshals Sam Manekshaw and K M Cariappa, Operation Gibraltar, Constitution of Pakistan, Operation Grand Slam, 2001-2002 standoff between India-Pakistan, R&AW, Medium machine guns, Mortars, Recoilless rifles, Punjab regiment, Nuclear Command authority (India), DRDO, some company home page making (again) wireless routers, a mirror site to download MySQL admin tools, a gmail page ( I wait to check if I'd got a new mail...No, I haven't), a youtube page hosting the controversial "lemmings" commercial of Apple Inc, my orkut home page. I press F5 to check if I have got a new scrap. No, I haven't (yet again :-( )..Move on. A wiki on Apple commercials, another on lemmings, one on the famous 1984 commercial, a Steve Woz interview, Indian freshers forum, a friend's blog, a google search on "Inuyasha", some youtube videos of Zu-mountain Saga, Brothers under the sun, Land of the condors, Blood strained intrigue ( Remember those Kung-fu serials they use to show on Home TV... One of the familiar was "Himgiri ka veer" )...An article about Kibbutz life in Israel finishes off the long series of tabs
There have been a lot of people who have been asking me lately whats keeping me on my PC day and night out and whether am using my free time hanging out in "hangouts" of Delhi. Well, with 80 tabs open on my FireFox and friends online on Gtalk, is quite a happening place for me :-)